Sunday 27 January 2013

Meditate on THE SKY

   Be the sky: 

                   Meditate on the sky: a summer sky with no clouds, endlessly empty and clear, nothing moving in it, in its total virginity. Contemplate on it, meditate on it, and enter this clarity. Become this clarity, this space-likecl arity. To meditate on the sky is beautiful. Just lie down so you forget the earth; just lie down on your back on any lonely beach, on any ground, and just look at the sky.A clear sky will be helpful - unclouded, endless. . Feel as if you have become the sky, the space. 

               This technique - to look into the clarity of the sky and to become one with it - is one of the most practiced. Many traditions have used this. And particularly for the modern mind it will be very useful, because nothing is left on earth in meditation - only the sky. If you look all around everything is manmade, everything is limited,with a boundary, a limitation. Only the sky is still, fortunately, open to meditate.

 Remember three things:

               One:  dont blink - stare. Even if your eyes start to feel pain and tears come down, don't be worried.Even those tears will be a part of unloading; they will be helpful. Those tears will make your eyes more innocent and fresh-bathed You just go on staring.
         The second  point dont think about the sky, remember. You can start thinking about the sky. You can remember any  beautiful poems about the sky - then you will miss the point. You are not to think about it - you are to enter it , you are be one with it.When you really feel that you have become one,then you can close the eyes.When the sky has entered in you, you can close the eyes.
             The clarity will help the third point: "enter such clarity." The clarity will help - the uncontaminated unclouded sky.

Enter the sky:

             If you meditate on open unclouded sky, suddenly you will feel that the mind is disappearing the  mind is dropping away. There will be gaps. Suddenly you will become aware that it is as if the clear sky has entered in you also. There will be intervals. For a time, thoughts will cease - as if the traffic has ceased and there is no one moving. By and by the mind will slow down, bigger gaps will appear. For minutes together there will be no thought, no cloud. And when there is no thought, no cloud, the outer sky and the inner become one, because only the thought is the barrier.
  Thoughts are moving in it be indifferent to them, dont pay any attention to them.They are there; note it down that they are there, moving. Look at the space and move to the inner space.

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