Sunday 10 February 2013

Magical GANGES


Up to now scientists have not been able to understand why there are certain qualities in its waters which can’t be found in the water of any other river of the world. Even the rivers that flow from the same mountain from which the Ganges flows, do not have the same qualities as the Ganges.

Ganges water does not putrefy, even after long periods of storage. River water begins to putrefy when lack of oxygen promotes the growth of anaerobic bacteria, which produce the tell-tale smell of stale water.  

 Ganges absorbs thousands of dead bodies without stinking. It is surprising that though bones do not normally dissolve in water, they do in the water of the Ganges – nothing remains.
 The Ganges river dolphin was declared India’s National Aquatic Animal in 2009.

 Hindus are known to keep Ganga water in closed containers for various religious purposes. The water never goes bad or putrefies. This means that Ganga water contains lot of oxygen which can assimilate organic matter like human waste and vegetable matter. 

The amount of organic waste that goes into Ganga should have already exhausted the amount of oxygen. But this has not happened. There is some material present in Ganges that replenishes the oxygen content and kills the pathogens.

Interestingly, boiled Ganga water does not have the capability to kill pathogens. Similarly, Yamuna, a river which joins Ganges, does not contain the special material present in Ganga.

 At the Malaria Research Center in New Delhi the Ganga water from its upper reaches didn't host mosquito breeding, and   prevented breeding in any water it was added to.

Other research demonstrated that cholera germs die within hours of immersion in Ganga water.

 As compared to the river Nile (6050 km.) or Amazon (6,500 km.), the total length of Ganga is only 2,525 km, but it carries the highest quantity of sediment ( 2.4 billion metric tons per year) which is greater than that carried by any other river of the world.
Attempts have been made to create the qualities of the Ganges in many other places, but they have failed because the real keys for doing so are lost.

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